Your words can be causing many people to turn to homosexuality as the solution and answer to their problems. Dr Daryl J Bem of Cornell University explains this theory wonderfully in an address given to the American Psychological Association (1997) called Exotic Becomes Erotic. He explains that the combination of Biology, childhood temperaments, and personality triats,combined with the treatment they get from others can lead to children feeling isolated and "different" from their peers and others.
Think about it.
It is beautifully illustrated in a famous childhood book called The Ugly Duckling; the story tells of a young swan who is different from his peers was harassed, belittled, and insulted simply because he wasn't the same as the other ducklings. He was too big, gray and awkward to be a good duckling the story portrays. Insulted and completely left alone the duckling finds himself moping around the edge of a pond. That's when he see's them, beautiful and elegant swans take their landing. Then in this beautifully illustrated tale the "ugly duckling" finds himself to be a swan as well.
Many children, young adults, and adults, find themselves in the ugly ducklings shoes today. A boy who can't do 5 pushups is called a sissy, so is the teenager who is very artistic and observant,but just isnt good at sports. The girl down the street who is who is tougher than most guys her age must have something wrong with her and is to manly to be a woman. The teenager that develops later or less in her physical appearance is belittled and badgered in her high school. We are a main cause for the desperate men and women who seek just to be accepted. Many of those who are homosexual perceive themselves as gay because we tell them they are different. I would bet that if you went and asked one of these people how they were treated in their early years they would tell you they were thought of as different whether it be because of their physical appearance and strentgh, or perhaps their abilities to understand and show emotions, and even sometimes different skills they have.
Just because someone is different from the norm does not mean there is something wrong with them. Furthermore it DOES NOT mean they are gay/lesbian. Everyone in this world is different. There is no right and wrong in ones capabilities. Now I am not saying right and wrong does not exist, they certainly do, but just because a man cries does not make him a woman, and because a woman can bench press more than a man does not make her a man. We are born the way we are because it's important. Life would cease to exist if we ignore this.
Look to yourself to be the change in the trend of society to label what's different as a reject and an outcast, but also beware of the trap that everything is beautiful and equal. Simply help people to be the best they can be, and realize what a swan they really are.
Dr Daryl J Bem address on this subject:
Oh My Goodness!!!!!! I love this example and way of explaining this delicate subject! There are a lot of people who struggle with Homosexuality and our children will grow up in a world where this is prevalent. I have often wondered what would be a good way to explain this to my children and now you have assisted me with a brilliant way of putting it! Thank you a million times!!