Friday, September 26, 2014

Today's world has become increasingly more competitive, and demanding, economically. We live in a world full of growing expectations in the work force. Economic struggles are forcing fewer people are required to do more things, become more resourceful at what they do to increase "efficiency". Taxes for government programs such as Social Security are on the rise with the Baby Boomers heading for retirement is putting a burden on people in the U.S. All this causing uneasiness and doubt for couples in all parts of the country to make that decision to have children ever more difficult. I'm sure we have all heard it, "I'm too young to have children, or get married. I have my whole career to look forward to." or "We just can't afford to have children, we will wait until later." 
Research has shown that this is the case for most people accross the U.S in fact out of 1000 women between the ages of 15-44 only 63.2 babies were born in 2011, Reading all of this we may begin to think, What could this mean for us? Why does it even matter? Isn't it just a personal thing whether I decide to have children or not? 
Having come from a family where my parents were split up I know about going through financial difficulties, it's hard. It takes a lot of work, every parent knows that. But I believe that families are always going to be the most important no matter how hard it is. Children can be the greatest source of joy found here in our world. A teacher of mine said it well, when he stated "I've never heard of anyone who regretted having their children when they looked back at it." Below are some studies and news reports links on the subject as well as a video on the joy and happiness a family can bring.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

What is it worth to us?

A wise man once counseled, "In family relationships love is really spelled t-i-m-e." ("Of Things That Matter Most," Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf") How long has it been since we have thought about what a family is, and what it means to have or be part of a family? Families are one of the best resources we have here on earth to help us through well... Everything. Now it's just time to take time for what matters most.